A personal loan is undoubtedly one of the most utilized and popular financial products among the customers. Provided by banks and financial institutions, any individual can opt for the personal loan without pledging any security to the lender. The lender provides you a repayment period within which you will need to pay the loan amount back with interest charged on the amount. Personal loans can be taken for both short-term and long-term financial needs such as buying the latest smartphone or funding your child’s education or marriage, etc. But since there are so many options when it comes to the lenders, the confusion is bound to happen. That’s why it is important to choose the best personal loan for you. And in order to do that, you should ask some important questions to yourself so that you can make the best decision. In this article, we will be covering all those questions that should be asked and answered so that you can opt for the best personal loan according to your requirement...